Real talk
Real talk
This past weekend I had yet another party at my home.
If you follow me you know I love to throw parties for any reason, ground hog day, lets have a party, banana day, great day for a party! Any reason to have friends and family over is a reason for a party to me.
Well this last party was for St.Paddy's day and like always an eclectic group of my friends showed up.
We were planning to sing karaoke and dance but sometimes things don't always turn out like you plan.
Somehow we got into this really deep conversation about life, relationships, the church, sex and being real.
One thing about my friends they are real...
Real and raw just like me and my blogs. And so here we were sitting around the table, not a dam phone in site (which by itself is a frigging miracle!) Just us talking and being real, it was refreshing and an it turned out to be an amazing night.
We talked about relationships or for most of us the lack there of one. We got to ask the men the real reasons they ghost us, send us dick pics and run from relationships
(I had gotten 2 dick pics alone that last week...yugg)
They gave us honest answers that we have always wanted to know and in return we answered their questions as well. As the alcohol flowed so did our tongues and we went on to talk about us being Christians and single.
We talked about how the church is so guarded about the talks they give to us singles.
That they need to have us on the panel to give the talks because we need more realness in the church. We need to let others feel okay to come to church and not be perfect.
I know for me I will never be anything then real anymore as I spent too much time trying to be someone else to please others.
In this time in my life, I am me, I like me. I am comfortable in my own skin and I know I am a Christian but am so not perfect.
I am good with who I am now and this just makes me want to help others live their life large as well.
This makes me want to get other people to have these sit downs, turn their phones off and really talk to each other and then really listen.
We have lost that today, we are trying to be liked or get likes, trying to keep up with the Jones, trying to hid who we are or what we've done as if we are perfect all the time.
I am here to raise my hand and say here I am not perfect, I am a Christian but I do not always get it right. I fall on my face, I have picked the wrong men over and over and I let everyone including the world, know my faults.
It's when we are real, when we showed the world who we are, scars and all that we can truly be ourselves.
So today my friends, have a party, put your phones down, get real with each other and have the conversations we all need to hear, you won't believe how refreshing it will be.
Have the real talk!
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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