Deceptive perceptions
Deceptive Perceptions
What is your perception of your future? Do you feel like your never going to get there? That your future looks bleak? Don't let fear or complacency stop you.
You must have a perception of where you are going, a vision of what your future is to look like.
When you find yourself not knowing what God has for you, you need to envision his plan for you.
It is a fact that so many of you are on this job you hate, in this relationship that is sucking the life out of you, or saying that you dont have one and will never have one. Maybe it's about the money you dont have, the life you wanted but don't have.
This is why so many people get depressed, because they only see what is in front of them. The now moment and not what God has for them later.
It is a God teaching moment because you have yet to see beyond this moment, you dont know who you are yet, who's you are.
You have allowed the struggles to defind you, you've allowed the fear to rule your life.
You're have short changed yourself.
Do you know how many people should have already advanced in their relationships? In their career? In a business God wanted you to have but you did not.
But your fear kicked in and your still stuck 5, 10, 15 years because you don't know who you are. You can't see what God has for you.
See only your haters will remind you about your mistakes and how you can't do it but God is looking for your mess, so he can turn it into a story of your testimonies.
Maybe your dreams have died and now your just living to die....
God did not place you here and give purpose to you just so you can be here with a whole bunch of excuses to why you are just living to die, working to just live. That is not what God wants for us.
Some of you are afraid to move forward because you will do anything to avoid criticism but if your going to do anything big, you better get ready to be criticized.
Trust and believe, no one out there is getting criticized for doing nothing.
No matter what you do, you will get criticized. The biggest success stories have the biggest haters. Don't be afraid of criticism, you have to learn to accept that people will do that.There will always be haters and some people will hate you and will not even know you.
Keep it moving. Don't worry about them.
You have an ability to discern your God ordained purpose.
Remember we are all recovering from something, divorce, bankruptcy, hate, loss of job, your crappy relationships but God is using you. There is a purpose for your life and God is only doing good in you
We need to tell the story of what God has done for us. We need to know these hard times are for a purpose, so that we may be the light for others going through their own darkness.
To win in life you must be able to see beyond the natural. It is when you allow what is evident to be your reality, then you will lose.
You need to see past yourself, past what you see now, to look into the future. To believe that God will do it all for you.
You get one chance in life, you have one life, what are you going to do with your life? You may be missing your God moment because of fear, because you can't see beyond the nose on your face.
In a blink of an eye life will past you gotta live your life large, now!
You need clarity, the abilty to hear clearly, to see clearly. You can't afford to live in the dark anymore. You cannot allow your perception to be off because you are running out of time.
This is your gateway to your bessings but you need spiritual discernment.
Ask God what should I do?
Ask him should I take this job?
Ask him should I go into this relationship?
Ask him should I move into this business?
Do not trust your own judgment, trust me because I raise my hand to this and look how that turned out. (Read my old blogs on my relationships, ha!)
You need to be careful of the wolf in sheep's clothing. They are out there and I know because I've dated a few of them.
Sometimes you think nothing good is happening in your life, that you've tried but your at a dry place. You have been asking, is there any hope for change? What do you see for yourself? Ask yourself is there hope for you? Do not you say your too old, its too late, you've screwed up, can you see beyond all of that?
It is all in your perception....
Ignorance will stop you, you think you've made some stupid mistakes and now you can't move past them.
Look at Moses, he was a murdered but God used him to move millions of people out of Egypt.
God used a prostitute, he used a liar, a cheater, he used people who society casted off but God used them and he will use you too, if you let him.
Use your pain for God's glory, for all of these people used their pain for God's glory.
You are the believer, it's your perception and you can see what others can't.
How do you see your future? Is it bleak? Is it a dark place? The enemy will tell you it is hopeless, that your too old, that your dreams are to big.
But your reality is that you believe, that your God is a big God and he can do anything.
Even if your in the desert, you can see the oasis. You know what's beyond the horizon even if you can't see it right now. You know it's there because your a believer.
You have see yourself happy.
You have to see yourself successfully.
You have to see yourself in the perfect relationship.
You have too see what he has for you.
"If your eye is unsound your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the very light in you is darkened. How dense is that darkness!"
It's all in your perceptions...
Don't let deceptive perceptions hold you back from your blessings. Trust what God has for you. See what God has for you, it's all in your perception.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
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My book The blessing in Disguise
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