Keep your head held high

Keep your head held high

No matter what I've been through in my life time, I have always kept my head held high. I knew who I was and what my worth was. It wasn't until I gave away my power that I lost the sense of who I was and it was then when I no longer felt my worth. When I forgot who I was, it was then I walked with my head down, feeling defeated and worthless.

You might be at that point in your life right now, you might be in a relationship that you know is over, that has killed your spirit and your self esteem. Yet your still holding on, hoping for change, hoping to find your lost self.

I am here to tell you that you will never find it until you step up, step out and change things. You need to get past the fear to get to a place of glory.

Ask yourself is your worth only when he calls you at 2 am? Not even to take you out to McDonald's?
Is your worth putting up with the crumbs he's giving you? How much do you value your worth?

How do you carry yourself? Are you waiting around year after year with the promise of a commitment yet it has never come to pass?

What does your package say about you? Are you showing the world all your goods? Or does it say I am a lady and deserve to be treated like one?

Are you going to stand by and let that man walk all over you? When he's lying and cheating behind your back while you turn a blind eye to it yet again? Or will you stand up and say, you have more value than that and you will not be treated like that.

Has he took away your self esteem? Made you to believe you are worthless, not beautiful and that without him you'd be nothing and no one?

You may have even started to think that no one else will want you. That you are to old to start over, that you are broken and damaged. Maybe you feel like your not good enough, not pretty enough, not skinny enough and so this is what I deserve.

I am here to tell you you are all that you speak you are! Wake up and tell yourself everyday that you are beautiful, you are worthy, you are smart, you are funny. Find some women friends that will tell you that, because if your friends are not lifting you up, they are the wrong friends, just like he is the wrong man.

Do you not realize you are the child of the most high God and every day you should know your worth and stand up with your head held high.

It doesn't matter what you have been through. It doesn't  matter the things that you let people do to you. Or how long you've stayed in that horrible marriage or that someone got over on you, none of that matters. It only matters that you are willing to change now, this minute. To walk away with your head held high and say what hasn't killed me, has made me stronger.

I speak from experience, from a place of incredible self worth to losing it all in a 24 year verbally abusive marriage to finding myself and my voice again. I've come full circle in my life.
I believe in myself and my self worth again. I want to be an example to my children and to other women. That yes, it is possible to change and walk away with a testimony, to be able to tell others your story.
To learn the lessons and move on to teach them to the next generation.

To know that all the pain that you're have been going through wasn't all for nothing. It was so you may inspire others to know that you can get through anything with God's help. That you can find peace and joy, that you can and will find your self worth and once again. That you will walk with your head held high, knowing that you are all that he made you to be.

Now stand up straight, put your shoulders back, hold  your head held high and show the world what you are made of!
You are a unique, one-of-a-kind, amazing human being, own your extraness, own who you are and no matter what keep your head held high.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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