Closing the gap
Closing the gap
For everyone of you out there, there is a word that was spoken over your life but there is a gap between what God has for you and where you are at you right now.
So how do you live until you get there? How do you keep going when you feel like everything is coming at you? How do you hold on? You need to remember the bible verse Jeremiah 29.11
"For I know the plans I have for you, not to harm you but to give you hope, plans for you to prosper"
This is God's promise to you.
But you sometimes ask "Where is God in all of this madness?" You can't hold are broken, you are hopeless.
What you need is right now is hope, you need to walk in faith, you need to hold on to God's promise because he is not a man that can lie.
See everything you do is either spirit lead or flesh driven.
It just depends how you are going about it. If you are flesh driven, you worry, you see things that are way to big to overcome and everything stresses you out. If your spirit lead, you pray and let God worry, you cast your cares on him, you know no dream is too big for him.
You don't need to figure out everything. You have to realize that you have a helper...the holy spirit. He will teach you all things that God wants you to know.
The holy spirit is going to guide you in everything you do if you let him.
When the holy spirit is leading you these things will happen to you and your life:
1-You will become submissive.
2-You become obedient.
3-You learn how to trust God.
4-You maintain your faith while staying focus on what God has planned for your life.
When you are driven by the flesh, you are spiritually blind, it keeps people from seeing what God has for their life.
You can't see what's coming, you give up, you only see what your going through right now.
Here are 7 ways to thrive in every area of your life:
1-You must redeem your thoughts and your mind.
2-Face your adversity victoriously.
3-Never bury yourself in your problems but become wiser and stronger and closer in the knowledge of what God wants for you life.
4-Live life out loud.
5- Never take criticism and rejection personal, it's all about the growth.
6-Embrace God's love and extend that same love to others.
7-Only believe God's report, even when others say different.
These 7 things will keep you in God's will, this will keep you going through the bad times.
So today my friends remember, you need to close the gap from where you are today to what God has in store for your life. Remember it's on his time, not yours. Just hold on, have faith and believe that anything is possible with God, just close that gap.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
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