He's just not that into you

He's just not that into you

I know a lot of people saw that movie, He's just not that into you.
It was kind of like a wake-up call for a lot of women. In the movie it breaks it down to what a man will do if he's really into you.
And if he doesn't...well then "He's really not that into you"
It was pretty simple, either he was or he wasn't but I know that I'm a little hard-headed and takes me a little longer to get things. Even after reading the book and seeing the movie, I still didn't get it.

But recently a man has come into my life and shown me what a real man will do when he's into you.
Not a man with an agenda like Mr. Con Artist or the usual narcissists that I date who only care about themselves or their needs but a real man who is into you, for you.

I've realized that real man we'll stay up late to see you, he'll want to see you before he goes to work and he'll even skip out of work to spend the day with you when you come back from vacation because he missed you.

He will go everywhere, to every mall to find a pair of shoes you need for a photo shoot or to find you something you need and have it to you in time. He will know just by the sound of your voice or your text, that something's wrong and then bring you your favorite bottle of wine and food so that you can tell him about your day.

He'll text you good morning and good night and drive safe and let me know when you get home texts. He won't have to be asked if you need a ride home from the airport, he'll already be saying to you "What time do you need me to pick you up or drop you off?" And he'll say "I want to do it because I want to say goodbye or because I missed you"

When you're upset or down he'll call you or text you all day long to see how you are. He'll ask you did you eat today and then bring you your favorite food and hold you while you cry.

He's not just there for what he can get, for the sex or the hook up, he's there because he genuinely cares about you and he wants to spend every waking moment with you.

A man that's into you will tell you that he wants to give you the stars and the Moon, that he would do anything for you, even that he would be willing to give up his dreams in order to be with you.

He's already planning his days off to spend with you, he's planning things to do together, places to go, get aways to take you to. He doesn’t have to "put you into his schedule" he works his "schedule" around you, seeing you and being with you.

He will love you for you, you won't have to change your life. He isn't worried that you have male friends as he's confident enough in his ability to make you happy, that you aren't going anywhere or looking anywhere else.

He's not afraid that you are a strong, independent women, in fact that makes him like you that much more. He not looking to change you, to take over your life, he just wants to be part of it.

He doesn't care about what people say, that there is an age difference or a race difference, he is his own man and will show you and the world how much he's into you.

He'll tell you he only wants to see you happy and that the men before him were idiots not to see and treasure your value and he's not letting a good thing get away like they did.
He's not just giving you lip action, he is a man that is true to his words by his actions. He doesn't just say it, he shows it everyday to you, he tells you how much he appriciates you, how you make him feel like a king and how you are his queen.

I don't know where this is going or how long this will last but I will tell you I now get the movie, I get my worth, I now know my value and that I will never settle again.

So today my friends, I am here to tell you ladies who say there are no good men out there, that there are out there.
Yes, they may be hard to find but don't give up, don't settle for half ass, bullshit men that won't put you first. Men who treat you bad, who aren't going to put you first. No, you deserve the best because you are the best. You know what you bring to the table, and a man has to bring more to the table than just his dick, no, that kind of "man" is a dime a dozen, you can get lots of thoese.

You need a real man, a man willing to step up, a man who's actions speak louder than his words, a man that you won't have to ask, you will know if he's just not that into you.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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