The most creative minds are the most tortured

The most creative minds are the most tortured

I realized this statement is so true, so many of the world's most talented people were the most  tortured souls.

Robin Williams smiled while he was in pain. Anthony Bourdain traveled through out the world but couldn't run away from his demons. Hemingway wrote his best works while in a personal hell.
Gogh painted The Starry Night while in emotional torment; Lennon and McCartney forged their creative partnership following the death of their respective mothers.
Milton penned Paradise Lost after losing his wife, his daughter, and his eyesight.

Yes, some of the most creative minds were the most tortured souls.
I know for me some of my best writing came from sorrow, from breakups and from loss. It is that pain that you pour into your work, it's like your pouring in your soul for people to see.

So many of us don't see what's really going on in someone's mind. So many times people put up a facade for others to see, they don't show you their true selves.

How many times when we hear about a suicide do we think, why they had everything? They were so happy, or they seemed to have it all together. You really don't know what's going on behind closed doors.

I know for 24 years I painted a picture of a "Perfect" family all while we were a dysfunctional mess. No one knew the pain I was hiding, the nights I sat in my tub drowning my sorrows with liquor and crying my eyes out. No one knew my pain because I chose to show them what I wanted them to see. But if you read my writings from then you could feel my pain, as it was in all in there.

Pain and sorrow grow us, it makes us stronger or it can take us out. Many of the greatest artist, comedians, actors and writers took their own lives because they were tortured souls.

Their best works of art live on because they were born in pain. We must use our pain to create good, to remind us of where we've been but also of how far we've gotten. We must use our pain to teach others to hold on through that storm, that the sun will come out once more...just hold on.

We must talk about depression, our pain and our tests to others so that they will not feel alone or ashamed. So many times it is like a dirty secret no one wants to talk about yet so many of us are going through it. We must shine the light on the pain and bring it into the sunshine.

I realize that even though some of my best work was birth out of pain, it was there to help someone else. It was my story of being in the depths of depression, when I hit rock bottom, when I cried out in pain that I can look back and see my strength. I can see how far I've come and because of my honesty how many people I touched and hopefully changed.

So today my friends, remember we are all going through something. We all have our own issues, we are all in pain, but we need to speak about it. We need to be kinder to one another, to reach out and ask for help. To be able to speak your truth so that someone else will learn from your pain.

You never know what is going on in someone's lives, remember the most creative minds are the most tortured.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

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My book The blessing in Disguise
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