What is sincerity in today's society

What is sincerity in today's society?

This is a hard question especially in today's society, people make themselves look better with filters and apps. People have plastic surgery to look different, people portray the amazing lives they may or may not have on social media.

People text more than talk, people have huge balls behind the computer screen way bigger then they would in real life, so how then do we know who is sincere? How do we know who is bullshitting us or who is blowing smoke up our ass's just to get what they want?

I obviously don't have a good picker and I am the first one to raise my hand to that, so this is not me telling you an answer here, it's me asking the same questions many of you are asking.

So how do we know who is sincere? Like when an ex comes to you telling you how they are trying to make an amends for the past? When a friend or family member keeps hurting you and then says they are sorry for the 10th time?
When a co worker does you wrong and then says it was a mistake? How do we know? How do we trust again?

I can forgive that is not a problem with me but forgetting..well, that's a whole nother issue.
How can I trust you when we had this conversation over and over? When you poo pooed me and went right back to what you wanted.

I want to see the best in people, I am a huge believer in people can change and I have that big heart but when I see you saying something, all I see is your lips moving.

How many times do we forgive? Take someone back? Give someone yet another chance? Before we just say this is bullshit and move on.

I know I've always been hard headed and need a few lessons so this is a really hard one for me.
This is the women who when Mr. Con Artist came back into my life I was out there preaching all of his "changes" How everyone needed to give him another chance to redeem himself. Well, we all know how that turned out and if you don't, just read my book!

I don't have the answers, maybe you can say it's intuition and I'm big on that but sometimes it doesn't work, just like your stupid GPS, it sometimes takes you down that dirt road to nowhere.

I wish we could go back in time, when people took pride in their word, in who they were and were honest with their feelings. But since that will never happen I guess the rest of us, the ones who believe the best in people, will have to stumble around in the dark trying to figure this out.

So today my friends remember you are not alone in this messed up, lying, smoke blowing world we live in. My only bit of advise to you and myself as well, is when enough is enough, it is then you will walk away, it is then you will cut off that person.

It is then you will look back over all they did to you vs what they did for you, been there for themselves vs been there for you. It is then you will know your answers in this society that is so insincere.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

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My book The blessing in Disguise
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