What's with people and depression lately
What's with people and depression lately?
I have been speaking to a lot of people lately and it seems like we are all going through a lot of crap.
Things are coming at us, we feel like we are drowning and we can't seem to shake this depression that we are all feeling.
I am normally a happy and positive person. I love life and even through my hardest times I might have had a day or two of feeling down but never more than that. I would have my little pity party and then go back to my happy self.
Only once in my life when I was in the end stages of my 24 year verbally abusive marriage and my mom just passed suddenly, was I in a really bad state of depression for weeks.
That was 7 years ago and since then I've been fine. Recently I've had a lot coming at me but not anymore than at other times in my life. Normal bullshit, bills, stuff going wrong and being overwhelmed with too much to do. We all get way sometimes but this time it took me out, it knocked me out for the count.
I didn't want to get out of bed, I couldn't do the simplest things as everything overwhelmed me. I cried at the drop of a hat, everything and everyone annoyed me and I was miserable.
I couldn't figure out how to get out of this funk and this was bad. I know I have some friends who suffer from depression and now realized how hard it was on them because this was excruciating for me.
I didn't want to do anything but lay in bed, I had no energy, I had hurt my back and I didn't even want to go to the gym, my usual saving grace.
I've been to the gym with a broken arm, a broken foot, broken ribs (Yeah, I am a clutz)
But I was still there no matter what. But this, this just knocked me out and I didn't even want to do the things I loved.
And with talking with so many people I've realized I am not alone that this...whatever "this" is, it is affecting many people.
People who I know are like me and not normally depressed have felt this and are going through this as well.
It's like it's something in the universe that shifted and is over everyone.
We live in a crazy world lately with hatred, racism, with our rights being challenged. We live in a world where we watch reality tv, where women put each other down, where we worship money and sports stars. We see children being bullied and parents too afraid to parent. Where mass killings seem to be a monthly occurrence.
Our own "President" thinks it's okay to grab women by their pussys and thinks the Klan aren't bad guys.
Really?? And we wonder why this feeling is in our atmosphere. Hatred is all around us and it seems to be winning.
So I, as a strong women that I am, know that I can't be held down for long. I decided to change it and I started dragging my ass to the gym, I started to meditate and do yoga again. I prayed through the storm and never stopped even when it was really bad. I listened to my favorite song
"I understand" by Smokie Norville over and over as God is saying just one more day, just one more step... I got you, I understand.
Just recently I stated to feel the fog lifting, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and am starting to feel like myself again.
This is been a real trying time for me and others and tomorrow I will talk about depression and how it affects families.
So today my friends, I am here to tell you no, it's not just you, this black cloud is over everyone and I am here to tell you that it will be okay, we will get through this. So today reach out to a neighbor or a friend you might have not heard from, they may be going through something you know nothing of and need that kind word or some support. You never know what someone is going through be the light, show kindness.
We don't know what's going on with people and depression.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
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