It starts with you
It starts with you...
Life is a journey from birth to death
We are all looking for change...
Change of our relationships, change of our jobs, change in our finances...
We are all looking for change but we forget that the change starts with us.
It's easy to say you want someone else to change, we always want someone else to change but sometimes change is hard for us.
Even if you want to change, you have to be willing to say the change starts with me and then take the steps to do that.
God wants this world to be restored and he wants change but we the church, need to be the salt of the earth, we need to be the light for others first.
His plan for your life is to bring him glory.
There is a path that God has planned out for all of us and that plan is called life, we must live our life to bring him glory.
So what drives you? What obsession do you have?
Do you just want material things? Do you just want what others have?
When you don't have a relationship with God all of it means nothing.
We tend to forget that the satisfaction can't be found in things or in people.
We are trying to find perfection, a perfect husband, perfect kids or a perfect job.
There is no one that can say that they are 100% perfect.
We all have faults, we are all imperfect because we are all human.
With all the stuff we go after in this world, still nothing will make us perfect.
Even things that you thought was perfect at first, you realize aren't perfect. Everything changes and then you realize nothing is going to stay the same, nothing is perfect.
Everything gets old, the new car you drive, the home we live in, the relationship your in, it all was all new once but now is old...
The only thing that brings you total satisfaction is your love for the lord.
Follow his path as it is driven by the holy spirit, we must realize that our lives aren't driven by the desires of the world.
Why are we so consuming that we are always asking for our wants and needs? Why aren't we asking God to teach us his ways instead? Why aren't we asking for a life that is driven by the holy spirit? A life that will empower, that will teach you to withstand the storms of life, so that you don't blame God. A life that you believe God has you, he has a place for you, you need to realize that love God has will not separate you from him.
The problem is we are not rooted by the spirit of faith anymore, we are driven by others, what they have, the money or the power that others have, this is what we see and what we want.
The enemy knows if they can cause division in us, then he knows he can conquer us.
If you follow the laws of God for your business, for your life, then your family will follow. The enemy can't get to you if you stand together but if he divides you, then he then has you.
When you are confused and you are lost you need to tell God. You need to tell him that you are confused, you need to ask him what you should do.
It all starts with you, you need to ask for help, you need to study your word, you need to come to church more than once a week. Your spiritual development begans with you, you must be spiritual lead not emotional driven.
We can't recognize the difference between the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of God.
Anymore it has become hard to separate but as Christians we must.
We must be the church, do not conform to the world, we can't tell the world what to do. The world does what it wants, we need to do what God wants us to do and know that we will not compromise.
"We are the chosen people God has called us out of darkness into his wonderful light"
The world is crying out for something greater, we are the light. We need to know that change is possible but the change starts with you it begans with the love of God.
Everything boils down to's all about love...
It's a love thing ...
It's easy to fall out of love...
When you first meet someone your so in love...they take your breathe away...
Then months later he isn't doing all he was doing in the beginning...
That's how we treat God, we all gung ho about him when you first came to him...
But now you are one foot in and one foot out...
What made you lose interest in talking to him? In reading his word?
The only time you hear about him is once a week when you make it to church...would you hold on to a relationship like that?
If they only talked to you once a week... no, you know you wouldn't.
In the end, we must remember this...
"Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the lamb"
We are invited but we must change. We need to know that the change starts with you and as I say in every blog....
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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