White people must speak out

White people must speak out!

As if the world we live in isn't feeling crazy enough, now this the senseless killing of George Floyd and the protesting gone wild.

My take on all of this is if you're not outraged, if this does not hit you in your heart as a horrible, senseless crime, then you my friend, are the problem. 

I ask myself why aren't we as white people speaking out? With all the black killings by white police officers lately, why aren't we enraged by the injustice that is going on around the country?

When will it be enough? When will we rise up and say enough is enough? I pray that this is the last life that we have lost and that we will finally stand up, united. I pray that we come together and this will be the last murder of an unarmed black man but even my Tinkerbell mentality knows that it won't.  

What makes me sick is that if this were white boys, white men getting murdered like this, we all know that these police officers would be in prison locked up for life. There would be no call to action because you better believe it would have already been done. What makes me sick is why do we see a difference?

A life is life, a senseless killing is a senseless killing, wrong is wrong and yet this keeps going on, murdering of black men, every day.

If you follow me you know I attend a predominantly black church, you know my friends are the color of the united nations and I have to tell you I worry about my black friends. I worry about their sons, their fathers, and their cousins. I worry that each and everyday living in a free country they have to be worried about stepping outside and being targeted and killed just because of the color of their skin. How crazy does this sound to you? If you Mr or Mrs average white person would be afraid to leave your house because someone may call the cops on you for walking, for going to a grocery store, for driving your car…

You have no idea, I have no idea but this is what it is like to be black in the frigging United States of America, this is unbelievable, it's sad and it has to stop.

We, white people need to stand up and be a voice for those who have none, it saddens me to say that because black people, people of color, gay people, all people should have this right and yet still in 2020 they do not.

As far as we have come, we have gotten no further.

My wish would be to leave a better place for my kids but that doesn't seem likely. This country is all about money, power, and them keeping the good old boys club intact and I don't know if that will ever change but what I do is nothing will change without people standing together to make a change.

What I do know is that people must speak out for others who have no voice, we must come together and show them that love will overcome hate, that we as one can move mountains. That we will no longer stand around and watch someone die and do nothing. That this will no longer happen on our watch, that no one should ever be afraid to walk outside again. 

We must get the courage to stand with our brothers and sisters did before us, just like Martin Luther King did and say enough is enough… we still have a dream, it's time we stood together and told the world our dream is not lost.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


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