You choose your destiny

You choose your destiny 

Every day it seems like things are going crazy, people are so wrapped up in the horrible politics of this country and now it seems like the whole world's going to end because of this Coronavirus.

People are in a constant state of worry, a constant state of fear and constant state of negativity. 

We wake up every day and the first thing we hear when we turn on the TV is how bad things are. It's all this horrible news, over and over that they bombard you with throughout the day. This is how most people start off their day and then end their day, by listening to negativity and bad news over and over again.

All of this crazy stuff is going into their brains every day, filling it with fear and worry. And to top it off during the day they are on social media which is no better or may be worst as everyone seems to think they are an expert or they are quick to tell you how your opinion is stupid. So, it's no wonder that this country is overloaded with stress and worry, that people can't sleep and can't concentrate. People every day, all day, are being fed a diet of fear and negativity.

Now if you follow me, you know that I haven't watched the news in years because to me I don't wanna put that hour of negativity in my life or in my head every day. I especially don't want to start my day off like that. Look if they had a news program with good news, I would watch that but to watch and listen to horrible things for an hour to two hours a day, no, I'm not allowing that in my space. Just like I got rid of negative people in my life, I took a stand and said I am no longer allowing you to take up that space. It's my life, I get to choose what space my head is going to be in, period.I chose what I allow in, I don't think of negative things, I am constantly looking on the bright side, I try to better myself each and every day, this is what is in my head, this is what I chose to let in.

Yes, I'm one of those sickening people that see the glass half full always. I believe in happily ever after, I am the original Tinkerbell believing the good in all. This is the way I choose to live my life because I see what being negative and being bitter could do to a person's life and I never want to be that person. My grandmother was the most negative person you could ever meet, nothing ever made her happy. She was bitter and angry because her life didn't turn out the way she thought it should. She blamed everybody for it and made everybody around her miserable instead of doing something to change it. I never wanted to be like her and I swore as a little girl that I would never be. I've seen what it can do to a person, how it controls their whole life, like my ex-mother in law and now her son, both bitter and angry and filled with hate. I never want to be like that, I refuse to allow unforginess to rule my life. 

We get to make a conscious choice, to be one way or another, wake up people! It is your choice. We chose how we want to be or how we want to live our lives, this is on us. I chose not to be that person and every day I work at not being that person.

And guess what? After a while that is going to be your destination. Sometimes things are in packages that look like a problem but sometimes it is up to you to solve the problem. Even if it looks bad, guess what? If you keep on working on it, you will find the lesson in it and you will begin to change things.

There is always a lesson in everything if you choose to look for it.

You get to choose your destiny, if your parents were abusive, you can choose to be a caring parent. If your family were all alcoholics, you can change that by not drinking and going down that path. If you were raised in a negative atmosphere like me, you can choose to be different but all of this is up to you, because you get to choose your destiny….

Choose wisely.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

Selling on my website



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