The 5 benefits of prayer

The 5 benefits of prayer

If you follow me you know that I am a big believer of prayer, I know that prayer changes things. But the truth is we are not praying enough as a people and because we are not praying, we are not reaping the benefits of prayer.

It is a daily practice we should embrace, yet some people think praying is boring or think there has to be certain ways or rituals to do it. Now they will listen to songs or movies about faith but yet they do not pray.

Your faith journey is meaningless unless you pray. You cannot survive and be affected as a Christian if you don't pray. 

We have realized that many people are waking away from the faith. They are turning to the world, especially when the world seems to have lost its way. They are not turning to God, they are not praying or having faith.

But I'm here to tell you that when you put your faith in people or the system and not in God, it is then the problems come. See prayers are your support system, this is what is going to get you through hard times. It is what you do when everything else seems to have failed you.

There are blessings that come from a life of prayer but the enemy will throw everything at you to get you not to pray.

How is it that we can go on social media for hours or talk to others yet you cannot pray, why is that? Why is it that everyone and everything else is more important than prayer?

We need to pray and so here are 5 steps to get you into a life of prayer.

  1. You should commit to a life of prayer

"Devout yourself to prayer"

  1. Prayer must be mixed with faith.

"Whatever you asked in prayer will come to pass if you have faith"

  1. You will get comforted by prayers.

  1. You are sustained by God through difficult times. 

  1. You develop confidence.

"I help comes from the Lord"

I can't tell you how many times God has provided in my life. I had hit rock bottom yet again in my life. In the span of 3 years I lost my dad, my best friend and my mom. I was miserable in an abusive marriage. I hated my life but I believed in God and I prayed. I knew I couldn't do it by myself, I knew that I needed his help. I prayed in faith and it was amazing how fast he changed my life.

What do you have to lose if you have nothing to lose? If you have hit rock bottom, if nothing else has happened? That was my situation, I had nothing to lose because I had lost it all already.

So today my friends,my message is that God is waiting for you to ask, "What are you expecting me to do for you? What are you expecting me to do this year in your life?"

He's waiting for you to pray, to ask him, to have faith?

I trusted him when I had no money coming in, when I started this business with no clients, when I walked out in faith after 24 years. I prayed and I had faith he would take care of me and the moment I stood on my faith, the moment I let go and gave it all to God, my life changed, all because of prayer.

That's it, if you pray and you have faith, doors will begin to open for you, because nothing is impossible for God, and nothing is impossible with prayer.

 "Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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