God are you listening?

God are you listening?

There are times when you call out to God and you think he's not listening, you think he's not there. You've done all the right things, you are kind to people, you bless others, you go to church, you pay your tithes, you pray and you believe and yet so much is still  coming at you.

You thought that you got through the storms, you thought that this might be your season. Maybe you found someone your life, your career was on track, you were finally getting out of debt, then all of a sudden just as you were starting to be happy the storms come at you yet again, this time harder and harder.

You think what did I do to deserve this? Haven't I had enough in my life? It's not that you don't have faith, you have big faith and you know deep in your heart God's plan for your life.

You know that this is just the devil coming at you because he's afraid of what God has for you and where you're going. He sees your future and he knows God has big plans for you even if you can't see it. He knows how God has touched your life over and over again and he's afraid.

You just have to know that God does has big plans for you, you just have to hold on, you just have to keep fighting because that's what you do, you're a fighter, you're a survivor.

No matter how many times the devil keeps throwing it at you, no matter how many times he knocks you down, you keep standing back up. You're going to survive, how do I know this? Because look at the past, think about the things you've been through. Look at the times you thought you weren't going to make it, the times you thought you'd lose your mind, when you lay on the floor, on your knees crying out to God, begging him to help you.

You got through all of it and you will this time too. I know everytime the storms come at me like this, fast and hard, I know that I am in store for a big blessing. The enemy knows this as well and he is just trying to shake your faith, he is trying to kill and destroy what you believe in.

He does this so you will give up, so you'll throw in the towel and walk away from your God given purpose. So that you won't have a testimony to tell others of the great things God has done in your life.

I am here to tell I am you, I am going through this too. I know how hard this is but I also know how good my God is. I know he is there even when I think he's not listening, even when I can't hear this voice, I know he is with me and he is going to take you to places you can't imagine.

So today my friends, just hold on, trust and believe you have it in you to keep fighting and that in the end you will win. Look who you have in your corner, look who is your coach, he will never stop giving up on you even when you don't think he's there, he's with you. He's there even when your calling out, God are you listening?
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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