People's perceptions
People's perceptions
It's funny, we look at people and we see what we want to see, what they want us to see.
People look at me and see me with a business, with my own home and traveling all over, all the time and think "Oh she has it made, she got money or she has no troubles"
They don't see me working 12 hours a day, 3 jobs. They don't see me worrying how I am going to pay bill's or how I am struggling wiith things coming at me. They don't see me falling into bed at night exhausted or the nights I cry myself to sleep.
It's because I don't complain, I don't whine, I'm not out there talking about my hard times. I tell you about the good times, the blessings, the happy days I have.
But don't get it twisted I have bad days, I am human even if I am a motivational speaker and writer. There are days I don't want to get out of bed, days when I feel I can't breathe, that I am drowning and I can't see or feel God. It is in those days I pray more, I trust in my faith to pull me through. I think about all I've been through before and think I can get through this as well, even if I am thinking isn't this enough shit for one person's lifetime?
Yes, I am Christian but I am human as well and yes, I cry out "Why God? Why? When is it going to be my season?"
I don't let things get to me very often but sometimes they are too much for me to deal with, too often and it is overwhelming. Don't let the smile fool you, some of the most hurt people smile like they don't have a care in the world.
In these times I soak in my tub with a big glass of wine and some music and I cry and pray until I feel better and some nights I cry all night until I fall asleep. The next day I get up and pull on my big girl panties and get on with living life again.
That's the thing, we all get down. We all have bad days, bad weeks but it's how we handle it that separates us. Either we are victims or we are survivors, either we give up or we fight to get past our troubles.
I know this is not going to last. I know as I quote one of my mom's favorite quotes "This too shall pass"
When things are good we need to remember "This too shall pass"
And when things are bad we need to know "This too shall pass"
Nothing stays the same, after each storm here comes the sun. After winter comes spring, after spring comes summer and after summer comes fall. This is the circle of life, this is what we need to hold on to.
So today my friends, don't look at someone and think you know what's going on in their lives. You never know what they are going through, how they are hurting or what a kind word or a phone call would do to make their day.
Never assume from what they show you or what you think you see. Because it's all in your perceptions.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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