Healthy families and friendships are birth out of love
Healthy families and friends are birth out of love
Since yesterday was a holiday I bring you this Monday Message today, hope you enjoy the message.
There are dysfunctional families and even dysfunctional friendships in this world. We are fighting with our families, we are dismissing our friends over stupid things.
The first thing God implemented was the family, that is one of the reasons that he made the world so that we may multiply and go forth.
We need to remember that, we need to realize in order to do that we need to marry someone we like. Not for money, or security, like so many people do, no, for the reason that we really like this person. We need to know that this is what God wants for us, he wants us to be happy, to be with someone we like.
When God made Adam, he then made Eve and when Adam saw Eve he said "woah mine,"
He liked her, so it was easy for him to stay true to her because he liked her.
You truly cannot serve God unless you like him, if you don't like someone you don't want to be with them, it's as simple as that.
David wrote "What is mankind, that you are mindful of?"
If you understand this sculpture you will know that even though we have issues God is still mindful of us, we should treat other people like God does.
We have lost a love that is beyond human comprehension, how can we make a difference when we are not operating in love?
You cannot not be a Christian and not operate in love, God spoke of love 365 times in the bible.
We are ripping each other apart for success, for material things but we are missing the mark of what God has taught us to do, which is love.
You have failed as a Christian if you have not forgave, if you still have grudges and bitterness inside of you. If you are holding on to these things, you have failed in your faith walk.
"For I know the plans I have for you, said the lord, plans for good"
If you think your doing everything right but if you can not forgive, you will never be a Christian.
If you think because you go to church, because you tithe, that things should always go right, you don't get it. Just read this bible verse, so you will know how God operates.
"God pours out blessing for the just and the unjust"
You don't get to dictate who God blesses, this is his house, no matter what you do or don't do, God will bless us all. All you need to do is care and love for your family, the way God expresses his love to you.
Stop loving friends based on everything that they do that is right.
Sometimes God will wrap your blessings up into a friend. He will use the lest likely source for your blessings.
In the bible, Joseph was hated by his brothers because of the coat his father gave him. He was even thrown in the pit by his brothers, but Joseph loved his brothers non the less, he still blessed them.
How many of you would do that?
I know I am that that far in my walk yet.
When my rapist reached out to me last week, I knew I forgave him, I knew I let it go but am I that far along that I would bless him...yeah no, I'm not.
But that is what is expected of us by God.
You are already blessed in so many areas of your life but the enemy will put things in your way, he knows that he can tear you apart through your family and friends.
There are relationships that God has placed you in to give you blessings, but some people can't see it because they love drama and chaos and they miss the blessings.
It's not always easy to love some people but we must do what God tells you to do, you must pray for them.
Yes, you must pray for your enemy's, oh boy, this was another hard one for me. You want me to pray for my ex husband? A man who made my life a living hell? Are you serious? Oh I'm praying all right, praying God strikes him dead, praying he gets hit by a car.. oh yeah, I'm praying....
Oh please, if you are real, you will know this feeling and have thought the same things.
For the longest time I couldn't for the life of me do this. I was still holding on to bitterness and anger towards him but I realized that I couldn't move on. I couldn't reap God's blessings until I did this and so now I pray for this man I hated. I pray he becomes a better man, a better father, a better human being. I pray for my rapist but I am not there yet to be friends with him.
We all have a limited time on the earth, we need to see the value of each other and show love to one another. We need to know the plans he has for us and we need to know that healthy families and friends are birth out of love.
We must put love first, we must operate out of love, we must be the light for others starting with the love in our hearts.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
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My book The blessing in Disguise
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