Happy labor day

Happy labor day

Today most of us here in America have the day off. Unless of course you work in retail then your shit out of luck for all the major holidays.

Labor day has two meanings for us here, Labor Day is the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. And for most of us, it is also a celebration of the last weekend of the summer.

For years we celebrated it by going to the beach and if you lived in northern states by wearing white to the bbq's you went to, as after today, white was a no no.
I have no idea where that came from but it was a serious rule for many years.

But here's a mind blowing  fact, did you know there is a study that says 80% of people hate their jobs? Yes, you read that right, 80%.
No wonder so many people who have the day off are celebrating.

How suckie is it that? That many people are dreading going back to work tomorrow? Yeah, it sucks.
Why aren't most people doing what they love? I can tell you first hand, mainly because of fear. Fear keeps is stuck in all kinds of shitty places, in jobs we hate, relationships that are horrible, in friendships that no longer serve us. Fear is a deterrent from keeping you moving forward.

I remember working for a friend and her sister was like a natzi. You had to put your phones in a box when you got there. There was no music allowed, not even head phones, she would demean and degrade you in front of everybody. She was the worst boss ever, a female version of my narcissistic, controlling ex-husband and I hated this job with a passion.

But I was stuck, I was buying a house and I couldn't leave, so each day as I got off the exit I would stress so much I would break out in hives. True story, I would then sit in my car and pray, putting a white light around me. Hell I even tried anointing the whole office, nothing worked. I counted every second until the day was over and I could breathe again.

As soon as the closing of my house took place, I stepped out on faith to start a business that I love to do. I write this blog every day and have written 2 books because this is my purpose and my passion. There is not a day that goes by that I am not doing what I love to do with who I want to be doing it with.

Life is way to short to be going to a job you hate, dealing with people you don't want to be around, this is your life and trust and believe you only get one, so live it your way.
Sing Frankie's song loud and proud.. "I did it my way"

Do what you want to do, change what isn't working. Step out of fear, out of the box that is holding you back from living your best life.

So today my friends, on this labor day, my advice to you after the beach and the bbq's and after you put all your white away is to find a job you love. Find a life you love, with people who make you better.
Step out in faith, stop letting fear hold you back, trust me it's amazing to do what you love to do every day and when you do, it doesn't even feel like work.
Live your life large.... start now.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


And on Amazon.com



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