Are you stuck?
Are you stuck?
There's so many people that are stuck in their lives. You're stuck in a bad job that you hate. You go to a job your can't stand because your stuck, you can't make a change, fear keeps you stuck there. Fear is the biggest glue out there, it's better than gorilla glue and super glue combined, it will keep you stuck in so many things.
Fear will keep you stuck in a relationship that you know no longer works for you. But you stay because your afraid no one else will love you, that you won't make it on your own.
There are people that are stuck with friends that are pulling them down. They are not uplifting and supporting them but tearing them down instead. People stay with them because they knew them "when" because the friendship is so old, even though it is not serving them anymore.
The biggest place we get stuck is within ourselves, sometimes we are our own worst enemy.
We are stuck on things that happened in our past, things that we can't get over.
We are stuck in anger, stuck in fear, we're stuck in bitterness and unforgiveness. We are stuck in the why me? It's a fight so many people can't get past and it weighs down their lives, it keeps replaying in their heads.
When things went wrong in their lives and now they're constantly blaming someone else for their pain.
I know my ex-mother-in-law is stuck on the fact that my ex-father-in-law found somebody else and divorced her...40 years ago! She still can't get over that fact and she talks about it all the time. Anytime you call and talked to her, guaranteed she'll tell you that same story, that you've heard a million times from 40 years ago because she's stuck in that moment and she never moved on.
I know my grandmother as well was stuck in a moment where my grandfather left her. That moment left her hating all men, for the rest of her life, even poisoning my mother's and my mind along with her. Every time she spoke of my grandfather or men in general, she went on a rampage about that they were all bad, they were all dogs and they were all useless.
This made her stuck in negativity and bitterness her whole life, but this taught me a valuable lesson, that I knew early on that I never wanted to be that unhappy and negative and so that shaped me into the positive person I am today. I could have easily gone the other way, following her footsteps.
Like my ex-husband has, he, just like his mother is stuck in bitterness and pettiness because he can't get over the fact that I wanted a divorce, so he carries around his hatred for me, even years later. See how this can be a generational curse?
I could have easily been stuck in unforgiveness for my rapist, because of him and what he did to me. It led me down a path of drugs and alcohol and it nearly killed me. I could have let that moment keep me stuck but I chose to forgive.
I could have been stuck in hatred for my ex-husband because he verbally abused me for 24 years but I chose to let go, to forgive him and move on.
Yes, you can choose, see that word I love so much...chose, choice, it's something we all have within us but it's up to us to use it. Look let's be real we all have our stories, like I always say insert your sob story here...
Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's true, we all have a sob story. Your parents were alcoholics. they beat you, you were dirt poor, you were abused, sexually assaulted, your family put you down, you were abandoned... whatever your story is, trust me there is someone out there with a story that will make yours look good.
But either you can hold on, be stuck in the I'm a victim mode or you can choose to forgive, to let it go and move on. You can be your own superhero, you can choose to be a survivor, you can choose to break the generational curse you are stuck in, like I did.
It is easy to get stuck in patterns that don't serve us, do you realize it only takes 21 days to start a pattern in your life? Yes, in only 21 days you can change your life. You can change the way you think about diet and exercise in 21 days. You can also get stuck in hatred, in bitterness, in negativity if you think and hold on to that for 21 days.
So today my friends remember the choice is yours, don't let your mistakes, your failures, your upbringing, the things people have done to you or even your own stinking thinking keep you stuck.
Just like the good witch told Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz...
"You always had the power inside of you, my child"
So do you.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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