Decluttering your life

Decluttering your life

If you follow me you know that besides my writing, my blogging and my speaking, my other business that I own is a professional organizing and personal assistant business.

I go and I help people declutter their homes and their life. I know from doing this for so long that so many times, life happens, things happen. We are trying to balance work, kids, school, and day to day life so things sometimes go by the wayside.

Sometimes your too busy to and  little things start happening, like not putting away the mail and before you know it half of your kitchen is covered with unopened mail. Or your trying on clothes in the morning and because you're late for work you leave them on the bed and by the end of the week you have a pile that's on top of your bed that's almost to your ceiling. Your tired, you don't feel like it, it's too overwhelming.

It's the same thing in your life, you keep holding on to people, to ideas, that are cluttering up your mind. Your thinking because I've had these for so long, I'm going to hold on to them or I need to hold on to them, I can't let go of them.

I tell my clients all the time, how do you want your house to feel? You want your home to rise up to meet you. It should be your safe haven, it should make you feel at peace coming home. You wanted it to feel open and airy, so that you could breathe. You do not want to come home to a cluttered home that is stagnant, where there is no room and you feel like it's choking the breath out of you.

These are choices we get to make, I know sometimes it's not easy for clients, they are overwhelmed and don't know where to start, so reach out for my help but it's only when they come to the end of their rope and they don't know what else to do that they call me.

I feel the same way about therapy, when you come to the end of your rope and you don't know what to do because you're doing the same thing over and over. You're cluttering your mind with these thoughts that you're not good enough, that you can't do this or how you will never make it. Your saying I don't know how to change, I'm still dating the same person, the same type of people, I'm still in this job that I hate. I know everything in my life is no good, I'm not good enough, all of these  thoughts that clutter our minds. These are the thoughts that  keep us stuck and I think as much as we must declutter our homes but we must also declutter our minds as well.

You know it's funny recently I was thinking sometimes when you're in a relationship and it's not working yet you stay because you're afraid of the unknown. You're afraid you're not going to be able to make it without that person, without talking to that person or being with that person and then you finally do break up. Now trust me, I know it's hard but a year after you break up, you eventually move on, you start to speak to other people everyday, you change your ways, you forget that you're hurting and you move on.

It's just like when someone passes away and it's so hard to realize that they are gone but eventually you move on with your life. Yes, there is still a hole in your heart but your life does go on.

My point is that everything in life changes, you grow, you learn, you move on. It's like going through school, you start in kindergarten, not knowing much and the older you get, the more you go through school, the more you learn, each year another grade, until it's time for you to graduate and move out to the big world.
It's a big change and change sometimes is really scary but we all need to change in order to keep growing, to keep evolving and keep learning. You can't keep being stuck, surrounding yourself with stuff that doesn't work, stuff or people that don't fit anymore, people who don't belong in your life anymore.

Perfect example is the stuff that you had in your room when you were 12, is it the same stuff that you have in your room now at forty? No, of course not, this is what I'm trying to tell people, you need to grow up, you need to change, to declutter your life of the stuff you've outgrown.

Whether it is your home, your office, your mind, or your heart you need to go through it all and ask yourself does it suit your purpose now? Is it beneficial? What are you getting from holding on to it? Is it helping me or hurting me? And then you must make the hard decision to let it go for your own good, for your peace of mind, for your change, so that you can breathe again.

I don't just declutter your home, I am there to teach you another way to think about why you do what you do. I am there to help you change and grow, to get rid of the things that keep you stuck in this pattern and to show you what is like to finally let go of what is holding you back so you can live the life you really want.

So today my friends, take a long, hard look around you, look at your home, your life and ask yourself is this choking the life out of you? Are these people holding you back? Is your space peaceful and inviting? Or is it full of chaos and clutter? Are these people holding you back? Have you've outgrown them?
The choice is up to you, you can change anything...your home, your job, your relationships,  your life, it's all up to you, choose wisely.

If you need my services, check out my website:

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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