MJ Harris, my hero

MJ Harris, my hero 

So if you follow me you know my morning routine is getting up at 4:30 am to get ready for the gym. While I am getting ready I watch inspirational YouTube videos to get me in that grateful state to start my day.

I follow a lot of people, Oprah, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Steve Harvey, Russell Brand, Tyler Perry and others because they all have valuable lessons to teach. 

Recently I found MJ Harris and started to follow him. If you don't know who he is, you must be living under a rock because he is amazing.

Now some of you may not like his style and hey, to each his own, I get that. But I love that he is true to who God made him to be. I love that he owns his life, his truth and he's not afraid to speak it, like him or not.

First of all he is a black man, an openly gay black man, who to say the least is flamboyant (which I happen to love as my best friend is as well)

I've learned that he too was sexually assaulted as a teen, that he struggled with low self esteem. He picked the wrong men over and over, he has screwed up, made bad choices but like me, is open and honest about all of his choices.

He wants to be an inspiration to others, to lead by example. Do you have any idea the stigmatism there is growing up gay? Now try growing up gay and black, that is a double whammy you must deal with on a daily basis. Yet he is out here telling others that may be struggling with that fact, to own who you are.

One of my biggest things I always say is dance to the beat of your own drummer. I taught my girls that from the time they could understand, that there is nothing worst than living a lie about who you are. 

And trust me, I lived one for 24 years so I know how damaging it is to yourself. I tell others to own your shit and tell your truth, whatever it may be, whatever people may think, be true to you. 

He does it so well. He doesn't apologize for who he is, he embraces it, with self love and grace.

Recently when he confronted his rapist, I wanted to go and hug him because he did this on camera. Which doing it is hard enough but to do this on camera takes it to a whole other level.

He got to say his peace and he was even lucky enough to have them apologize to him. Not all of us get that, I know personally as my rapist reached out to me but refused to acknowledge anything. But to the others who have been in that situation, this was a victory for all of us.

I love that he is willing to do this, to open up his pain and face it with the world. So many times we who are out here, trying to inspire others do this because we know what it is like to feel alone. To feel like we are the only ones this is happening to and we want to be a light, we want to let others out there know that we understand. We've been there and it will be okay, it will get better, things may not turn out exactly like you've planned, sometimes they turn out better.

Our hope is to be transparent, so that others may feel that way too and speak their truth. There is nothing more important to us then to help others, to inspire and to let them understand that even though we are all different in one way or another, we all go through the same pain. We all want to be loved, we want the best for our family, we want peace and joy. We know that we all bleed red, so we tell others don't judge, have compassion as you never know what someone is hiding or what someone is going through.

So today my friends, check him out, not only is he is funny, he is real and he's cute as hell but more importantly he is doing good work in letting others that may not fit in, that are different, that dance to their own drummer that's it's okay to do so.

He is teaching others to own their truth and it's one of the best lessons that we all need to learn.

Here is his link



"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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