How we grow and change
How we grow and change
Recently I was going through some of my old blogs as I am planning on writing another book based on them.
I couldn't believe some of my writing, it was choppy, with run on sentences, wrong punctuation, and horrible grammar. I am still not perfect but hell I've realized that I've come along way since I started.
My cousin told me recently how much my writing has grown, that I've come into myself in the last few years. I was happy to hear that as I have made a conscience effort to try to be better. This should be the story of everyone's life, to make an conscience effort to be better, to change, to learn and to grow. This is what we are here for, to become better people, no matter what age, we must always be willing to learn and to change.
Don't be so stuck on stupid that you think your smart enough where you are at now, that you don't have to.
Things are changing, times are changing, technology is changing every day and we must change along with it or get left behind. We must be open to change and trust me, I get that change is scary. I know, for myself, that the fear of change kept me stuck in a miserable marriage for 24 years. I was so afraid of the unknown that to me, it was better just to stay in that horrible situation than to move forward and change.
We must let go of fear, we must let go of our egos and the fear of failure and just do it anyways.
Okay, here's an example, have you ever talked to an older person and they are so stuck in their ways? They say "This is the way I am"
and your arguing "No grandpa, you can do it, just try!" But they refuse and it gets you mad that they aren't even willing to give it a chance. Well that's life, and that could be you one day if you aren't willing to change.
In the last 8 years I've stepped out of my box more than I ever have. I've done things I would have never done, never dreamed of doing before. At first it scared the hell out of me but as time went on and I kept doing it, the fear became less and less.
Now I am willing to try anything, to do anything, I know I am not perfect so I am willing to do things to try to change. I now look at it from other's perspectives, I think okay... is what they said true? Does it hold value? Is this what I am doing? And then I step back and take a good long, hard look at it and what I can change.
I'm not saying I'm going to change because of what people say, but what I am saying is that I am now open to listening and looking deep in it to see if it will benefit me.
When my cousin called me a few weeks ago and told me that my blog sounded like I was venting and that I was being petty, I took a step back and looked at it from her eyes. I didn't jump into a rant of "What do you know, or don't tell me how to write" like so many people may have. I really looked at what she was saying. I realized that it was the truth, I was hurt and I wrote it in that pain and it showed. She was right and so I went and corrected it because that wasn't my intent.
I listened to what she had to say and I changed it because I am open to criticism, to change and to growth.
When I am feeling down about where I am and where I think I am suppose to be by now in my writing career I think Joyce Meyer didn't step on her first stage until she was 50. Colonel Sanders didn't make Kentucky fried chicken until he was in his 70's, I still have time, I still have time to grow and learn.
I had a client, he was 92 and he hired me to teach him how to use his new cel phone and new GPS. At 92, he was willing to learn and I thought I want to grow up to be him, still willing to learn at 92!
With age comes wisdom, if we are smart enough to be willing to learn from our mistakes. If we are smart enough to realize that if we are open, we will be learning and changing until we take our last breathe.
So today my friends remember every day we are on this earth we have the opportunity to learn and grow. Don't be so stuck in your ways that you stop growing. Like I say in all my blogs it's never too late, your never to old, if you want to change you got to be the change you want to see.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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