Being called out when needed
Being called when needed
We all need someone in our lives that will tell us like it is, that will call us out and be brutally honest with us even if sometimes we don't want to hear it. I know in my life I am blessed with a few women that I know love me and do this to me whenever I need some guidance. One of these amazing women is my cousin Carol, I know I can always depend on her to give me a dose of reality when sometimes I'm flying around in my Tinkerbell outfit.
She's the one that always keeps me grounded in reality and always tells me like it is and I know that she always has my best interest in heart. So yesterday was no different when I wrote this blog about being Lost in the sea of denial, about people who can't or won't admit to the wrongs in their lives.
Now if know me, you know that I write from my heart. I'm passionate about all that I write about and that it really means something to me. I also wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm very emotional as far as my love for life, my love for people and for being there for these people that I love. I am a friend for life and I take my friendships and my love for others very seriously, I would do anything for anybody and everybody knows that.
So when someone hurts me, that cuts me deep because (and I'm still trying to learn this....
Not everybody has my heart and just because I wouldn't do something, doesn't mean that other people should also live their life along those lines, which I sometimes would like for all people to do.)
Sometimes while writing this blog, I get very passionate and I don't really step back as I should, as most reporters are told, not to be part of the story. The difference here is I'm not a reporter, I'm a blogger and I blog about my life so it's always personal to me but again there are some times where you need to step back and look at things in another perspective.
This is where my cousin comes in, she called me right away and asked me what is wrong with me? That she immediately knew I was was hurting and that I wrote this out of that pain. She asked me to reread this blog as it sounded petty and angry.
She went on to say that my writing has been excellent as of late and this didn't fall into that category. This sounded like a hurt person reacting and speaking out of anger and pain. It made me seem like I was venting and she knew that I am trying to inspire others here, not use this as a personal platform to vent.
I listened to all she said and when we hung up I went back and reread the blog. She was absolutely right, it did sound vindictive and angry which I was when I wrote it, as I was hurting.
But she was right that is not what I want to portray in my writing, I want to inspire people not blast people. And she was right about needing to step back after I write something that is that passionate to me. Give it a few days to resonate, to marinate and then go back with a clear head and reread it.
So I rewrote it, stepping back, thinking of all she said and I rewrote it so that it did keep my message but it also came from a place of waiting to inspire.
She is the one that keeps me grounded, that gives me incredible advice when I am needing it, that pulls on my wings and says "Hello Tinkerbell... back to earth"
I appreciate this and I am open to listen to what she had to say even if we occasionally bump heads, I always know she loves me and only wants the best for me.
Here's the thing, I am brutally honest and I always tell all about my life and here is the perfect example of me, not thinking, just reacting from the heart, from a place of hurt. But here is also me admitting when I am wrong and apologizing for it, making it right, like I wrote about the day before, in my blog Learning lessons.
Sometimes we all operate out of emotion, out of pain and hurt but as I learned yesterday we need to step back, breathe, rethink or in my case reread it and then with a clear mind change what we are going to say or do.
I wrote about the power of words on Monday and it is when we are in this state that we can hurt people with our words.
I always say hurt people, hurt people and it's true, perfect example was yesterday with me.
So today my friends I truly hope you have a cousin Carol, someone who will call you out when you need it, but more importantly I hope you will have an open mind to listen, to change and to learn from others.
I write this blog to inspire others but I am human and I, like you screw up, I hurt, and I still need to still learn lessons. So I hope as long as I am writing and living, that I will be open to hearing and changing and as always, inspirating you to that as well.
I want to give a shout out and say thank you, to my cousin, as I am so blessed to have you in my life. I have loved you for as long as I can remember and I couldn't ask for a better person to be in my corner. ♡♡
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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