Leah Remini's Scientology

Leah Remini's Scientology

So recently as I was flipping through the channels I saw docu-series about Scientology. If you know me, then you know that I started out as Catholic. I grew up in the Catholic Church and even did a short stint in Catholic School. When I met my ex-husband who is Jewish and we decided to get married and raise a family, I converted to Judaism so that the whole family would be one reglion.

When I was going through my divorced I found this church,  which was Christian and it saved my life, literary. So after my divorce, I decided to give my life over to God and I was baptized in the Christian faith.

So as you can see I'm always been interested in a lot of different religions because I practiced a lot of different religions.
Scientology was always this phenomena of what a made up religion was. So to say the least, I was very interested in watching and seeing what was the real story behind it as I knew nothing about it.

According to Wikipedia:
Scientology is a body of religious beliefs and practice "invented" in May 1952 by American author L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard initially developed a program of ideas called Dianetics, which was distributed through the Dianetics Foundation. The foundation soon entered bankruptcy, and Hubbard lost the rights to his seminal publication Dianectics: The modern science of Mental health in 1952. He then recharacterized the subject as a religion and renamed it Scientology.

So that was an interesting start to learn that L. Ron Hubbard was a science fiction writer and he decided to make up his own religion. In it he believes that you live multiple lives, and that his religion was trying to make the world a better place, they were going to change the world.

You have to remember this was in the 60's, there was a war going on and many people wanted peace, they wanted the whole peace, love and happiness thing, so they bought into it.
Since there was no other religions out there like this one,  he decided to start his own and asked that people who joined to sign a billion year contract.
Yes, you read that right, a billion years because you are coming back over and over again so he's keeping you for every one of your lifetimes you come back to.

That alone makes you shake your head, how does a person start his own religion? After being a fiction writer and then have the balls enough to ask you to sign you into it for a billion years? Well he must have been a very charismatic man to be able to do that.

After watching this series what really disturbed me, which also disturbs me about other religions as well, is that when your family doesn't want to be in this religion anymore, and they want to leave, all of a sudden you have to cut off all ties to that person.
Literally, no one can talk to you anymore, so none of your friends, none of your family, not even your wife, your husband even your own children. It doesn't matter, they won't be able to talk to you once you decide that you don't want to be in this religion anymore. Is anyone else shaking their head going WTF?

To me, with any religion, when there's somebody telling you you can't love a person because they are of a different color or because of a different religion or because of a different set of belief patterns, to me that is not a religion, to me that's a cult.

Who are you to tell me that the God you want me to believe in it's so small-minded that he could only love a certain sector of people or that he would want to rip families apart. To me that doesn't sound like a God of love and it definitely doesn't sound like a religion that I would like to follow.

Be that as it may, lots of people believe in many different things and trust and believe they have millions of people that are following them and living in this religion.
There are many things that had me shaking my head, you are required to take and retake all these courses, which you must pay for, amounting in thousands and hundred of thousands of dollars. You are required to buy books and programs, you are required to pratice for hours a day. You are required to go to these meetings where they will interrogate you and you must pay for this privilege!

If this wasn't bad enough, the really scary thing I've learned about this "religion" is that if you start questioning the religion,  they will bring you in interrogation, again at your cost. Then they will put you in a sector or on a ship and make you do hard labor until they get you to admit or change your mind. Wait a minute that sounds like prison doesn't it?

If you do happen to escape, they will hire PI's to follow you, to harass you. They will literally drag you back and again punish you. If you escape again they will make websites, post things on the internet, talk to all of your family members to tell them to cut you off, like your dead.

They will make your life a living hell for years. Is that a "religion" you would want to be in? Not me! I know a good friend of mine who was going to a church like that. It was my birthday, and people were flying in from all over, we planned this for months and she told me that she couldn't miss Sunday service. Wtf?? Your my best friend, they will get over it, you have to be there. Well she did and they punished her by making her sit in the back of the church and taking away her role as usher for months. Hello!! If that isn't a controlling church, who is cult like I don't know what is, well.... obviously this Scientology is.

This is total mind control, from the breaking up of families, to the abuse, to the hard labor, all forms of control. We must know what we are getting into when we start to "follow" someone in the church. They are not God and hello, this is a made up religion for fucks sake, yet millions of people are giving their power away day after day.

I am glad Leah Remini is shining the light on this and others should do the same thing if it is happening. The God I believe in loves families, he wants you to put them first, he wants you to be happy, he is not going to force you to be there, to honor him. He wants you to know of other religions, because he is confident of his teachings.

I am saddened by the families torn apart because of Scientology, and I hope this docu-series will shed the light and help other's heal. We all need to be brave and stand up for what is wrong. We need to be the voice for those who have  none.

So today my friends, open up your minds, don't blindly follow someone, do your research, learn what's going on and then without fear, without bullying,  without consequences, do what's right for you.

I highly recommend this docu-series on A&E and also now playing on Hulu called
Leah Remini's Scientology

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"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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