This too shall pass
This too shall pass
Recently a lot has been coming at me. It's like the sun has been shining and you're walking around on this beautiful day and all of a sudden out of nowhere, here comes this horrible storm that you were not ready for. Well, that summarizes my life lately. All of a sudden all kinds of shit have been coming at me at once and it's a little overwhelming, to say the least.
I have always been brutally honest in my blogs because I feel that if I am going to help someone else if I am going to inspire somebody I need to show them The Good, The Bad, and The really ugly in life.
And because I write so much about myself, I have to be brutally honest with you all about my life. I know so many people who are so afraid to show the world who they really are, to show the world that they have faults, that they have had failures, that they're not the perfect Instagram person that they portray to be but that's not me.
My one purpose for being on this Earth is to inspire somebody with my story. I don't feel that I went through all that I've been through, all of that pain, all of that brokenness, and hitting rock bottom not once but twice for nothing. All of this is for a lesson, to inspire someone else to keep going when they think that life is too tough.
I'm not embarrassed about my choices, and I'm not embarrassed about my failures because I'm human, and whether you admit it or not this is life and this is what we all go through. I don't care what people say about me, I do this because I know there's someone out there who God will put me in their path and they will be inspired to keep going that one more day because of what I've done or what I've said or what I've been through and that's what keeps me going.
I always say that I am just human and there are some days that I, like you struggle. I struggle to get up in the morning, I struggle not to cry throughout the day, and I struggle with life's storms that come at me. Yes, there are days that I feel like I'm drowning, I feel like I can't go on, I don't want to go on. I feel like crying out to God and trust me I do "When God? When will this happen? When will my dreams come true?"
I know he knows my heart, I know that he knows that this is my purpose and my passion because he gave me this. I know that I must be patient and it must be on his time and not mine but there are some days where I've just had enough. HELLO, I'VE HAD ENOUGH ALREADY!
There are some days when I am so sick of doing what I'm doing and I want it now. I know that's how so many people feel and I know that so many people won't admit to this because then you will look less than or not strong enough but what makes me stronger is the ability to admit that.
Yet, sometimes even the strongest of people need someone there to tell them it's going to be alright, to give them a hug, to let them cry in their arms. I speak for so many single mothers out there that are doing it all by themselves, that are the breadwinners, and who are taking care of and raising amazing children all on their own. I know that there is no one there to help them, there's no one there to lean on, trust me I know how that feels. I'm just here to put it out to the world that I know there are some days when this feels like it's all too much.
But because of who I am, I cannot quit, I cannot give up.
I've already been to the dark side so this is just a bump in the road for me, this is just something I'll have a little pity party over and then get on with it because that is life, People.
It has ups and downs, it's good, it's bad, that is life and you must just go with it. I remember my mother's favorite saying "This too shall pass"
There is someone out there, who is in a really great season and everything is going amazing and you feel like you're at the top of the world but always remember that "This too shall pass"
And you must remember when you get into that season of your life where everything is coming at you, where you feel like you're drowning when you're lost and broken, remember "This too shall pass" because this is life.
It's beautiful and it's ugly and it's incredible, and it's heartbreaking and it's Joy and it's pain.... this is life and we all have to go through it, no one is exempt, no one gets away with all of the good or all of the bad.
So today my friends remember, no matter where you may be at this point of your life, if you are in your good season or you are holding on for your life in the storms, know that just like every time there is a storm, eventually the sun will shine again. Remember this too shall pass.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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