Blessed attitudes
Blessed attitudes
Sometimess there is a need for separation, we need to separate ourselves from others to learn the word.
Even Jesus separated his disciples from the world for this reason.
On the mountain, Jesus gather his disciples together and separated them from the crowd.
Then he started preparing the disciples for when he left this earth.
Sometimes we are so into what's going on in the world, we are so involved in everything else that we are not prepared. We want things from God, yet we aren't willing to do the work to get it.
You come to church to get a blessing or you want to get the excitement from the preacher, you want something for coming, for waking up early on a Sunday. But if you don't get the word you want to hear, the word that will make you feel good, then you won't come to church.
That is not what the beatitude is, the beatitude is all about "being like Jesus" How can we prepare for war if we do not have the tools? We will not be prepared.
Let me tell you, this is war we are in today. A war against drugs, against keeping up with the Jones, a war against social media telling you you aren't good enough, pretty enough, rich enough. This is a war you are fighting and it's for your life, for your family, for your very soul.
How can you be prepared if you don't know the word, if you not in line with Jesus?
So many people don't like the truth, they don't realize that truth is suppose to stir you up and bring change. That is why so many pastors just hype you up, get you excited but not teach you the message. They want you to feel good, but they they are hurting you by not telling you all of God's messages.
You need know how to defend your faith, and the only way to do that is to know the word.
Sometimes, you, yourself is your biggest enemy. Your inner voice will tell you it's not working, that you don't feel like getting up and go to church. You will ask when is your blessings coming? You've been waiting and waiting and still nothing. Your mind will play games with you, telling you to give up, it will tell you to question all of God's teachings.
You need to renind yourself that you have seen miracles, that you know what he's done in the past, and that if he's done it before, he will do it again. You must not give up, you must hold on to his word.
So why did Jesus preach on the blessed attitudes? Attitude can make you or break you, it will make you see past the bad things, to know and trust God.
He asked them what was their attitudes? This is what God says:
"God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs"
"God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted"
You are not better than others, so you must have mercy, you must have compassion, you must be "Christ like"
You need to show mercy, even when it hurts, even when they did you wrong, you need to show mercy.
We can be coldhearted, mean, and unmerciful, even if you are sitting in church. Hello! Listen up people just because you go to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than sitting in a garage makes you a car. We must be Christian's all the time.
We must remember God's words:
"God blesses those who's hearts are pure, for they will see God"
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God"
"Blessed are they which are persecuted for doing right, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs"
"God will bless you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of things about you because you are my followers, be happy about it because a great reward waits for you in heaven"
Dont forget the profets were also persecuted....
Jesus didn't pick the good people, he picked the murderers, the liars, the cheats. He picked these people because if he could show love to them, if he could teach them compassion and mercy, then they could change. If he did it for them, he could do the same for you.
So today my friends remember that your attitude is everything, how you present yourself to the world shows the world what kind of Christian you are. Show compassion, show mercy, give forgiveness, show them what it means to really know God's word. Don't just be a good "Christian" on Sunday because your in church, know your word, change your attitude and become blessed. Have a blessed attitude and then pass it on.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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